I've been reading so many funded projects on social media these days. It seemed to make sense to come up with my own project on DonorsChoose.org. For those that know about my school, the Carlton Innovation School, you understand how seamlessly my project "Help for Hokki Stools" fits into our model. You see, we teach reading, writing and mathematics in a workshop model. This means that after a small whole class lesson on a skill, concept or strategy, it's practiced and scaffolded in small groups around smaller tables I call "the kidney table" or "the 'u' table.
A set of six Hokki Stools would help me maximize the learning in these small group sessions that happen all day long. My students would get so much out of these additions to our classroom community. I put up this project some time ago which, unfortunately, didn't spark any donations. Yesterday, I decided to post it on my Mr. Giso's Room to Read's Facebook page. A family member suggested I share it on my personal page too, so I did! In less than an hour, my project was basically half-funded by seven people! I'm amazed and so thankful for the generosity of my donors. People's kindness and generosity is so much appreciated. I love that I know so many kind people interested in "paying it forward!"
My project's deadline in January 20th, so at this rate, I'm hoping I achieve my project's goal. Sharing my project with friends, family and colleagues will help me so much. A donation would help too. Thank you, thank you!
As my project notes--
(Click HERE to read about it and to donate.)
The Hokki Stools will allow me to get full attention from my littles--even at the end of the day when I let them know my little secret-- "Teachers get tired too!" I can only begin to imagine how successful these will be in my busy classroom. These stools are engineered so that students can move back and forth and concentrate at the same time because the stools absorb their energy so that they can focus and give me their attention. How awesome it this? No one likes to stay still--especially me. True story! These Hokki Stools are a true gift, based on brain-based research that will give children an extra boost to succeed. My students deserve this boost, but they are too expensive for me to pay for by myself. Gone will be the days when my students are asked to "stop moving!" This will benefit my kinesthetic learners, those that work extra hard to pay attention and just about any student that gets fidgety. Let's face it. This happens to the best of us!
This year my goal is to help each one of my first and second graders (I have both) reach their fullest potential.
I want to help my students focus and keep their mind on learning while getting their little "wiggles" out at the same time. It's a win-win situation for both my learners and me!

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